Should I Treat Skin Tags Under Breasts During Pregnancy?

You’ll likely have discovered, from talking to your friends or from your research, that skin tags under breasts during pregnancy are normal. Unfortunately, they can become itchy, irritated, and infected.

Carrying a baby isn’t comfortable for most women, and small skin tags during pregnancy can make the experience even less tolerable. Don’t despair because there are some ways that they can be safely treated.

It’s straightforward to identify acrochordons, which is the medical name. Unlike other common skin conditions, they’re soft flaps of skin that hang loosely from the breast by a narrow stalk or peduncle. They can also develop on other body parts, but the most common places to find them include the armpits, eyelids, face, groin, and the neck area.

You’ll notice that the most commonly affected body parts tend to be areas where your skin comes into regular contact with other skin. It’s not a coincidence. They can be treated with Australian tea tree oil, which is a proven natural treatment.

Is My Health At Risk from Skin Tags?

Many people worry that skin tags are a sign of cancer, but this isn’t the case. They’re benign tumors that won’t cause you any health problems unless they become irritated.

Avoid twisting them because this can lead to irritation and inflammation. If you’re already at this stage, we’d advise you to consult a doctor given the sensitivity of the area.

There is a correlation between skin tags and diabetes, but this isn’t the case if you didn’t have skin tags until you became pregnant. If you had skin tags originally, it’s worth investigating the possible cause. For example, if you are carrying excess weight, reducing your intake of saturated fats and sugars will be beneficial to your long-term health.

What Are the Causes of Skin Tags under the Breasts During Pregnancy?

You’ve probably realized that your stomach and breasts didn’t use to meet each other in the same way before you became pregnant. Now that you’re carrying a baby, they’re permanently in contact, and it can also get rather hot and sweaty in that area. Nobody knows why this promotes the growth of skin tags, but experts are adamant that there’s a correlation.

A further factor that leads to skin tags is pregnancy hormones that occur naturally when you’re expecting a baby. There is a dramatic increase in hormone levels during the first few months, and the rise will be even more pronounced if you’re carrying more than one child. This leads to a modification to the skin follicles, creating the optimal environment for the growth of skin tags.

Do Pregnancy Skin Tags Go Away on Their Own?

Skin tags during pregnancy are usually temporary, and they will often go away on their own after you’ve given birth. This doesn’t always happen, but it’s quite likely.

Your hormone levels are currently elevated, but this will subside. It’s a matter of whether you’re prepared to wait for up to 9 months and if there’s another medical factor that means that treatment is essential, such as an infection.

Should I Treat Skin Tags When Pregnant?

Medical Consultation

If you were to talk to your doctor, you’d be advised that skin tags are a cosmetic and not a medical issue. Unless you have a large skin tag or it’s become irritated, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be offered any treatment. If you don’t have a genuine health problem associated with a skin tag, your medical insurance won’t cover the cost.

While you appreciate that the safety of you and your child is always paramount, you probably don’t like the way that you look and hate the fact that you no longer feel comfortable.

OTC Treatments

Before using an OTC skin tag treatment, we recommend waiting to see if skin tags go away on their own after you’ve given birth. As already discussed, they’re usually caused by a temporary elevation in pregnancy hormones.

Treatments that we don’t recommend during pregnancy include cutting offtying off or burning off skin tags with acids. Don’t take any chances, especially as the area is more susceptible to damage than usual. It’ll just make things a lot worse.

Skin Tags Under Breasts During Pregnancy

Natural Remedies

If you’re adamant that you want to remove them, we recommend a natural alternative skin tags treatment. One of the best options is Australian tea tree oil. It’s a 100% natural remedy that works by drying out the skin tag – it has received some positive customer reviews.

Take some time to learn about and understand the underlying causes of skin tags. They aren’t harmful, but skin tags under breasts during pregnancy can be irritating for women.

You can treat them safely with tea tree oil for skin tags without spending much money. You’ll receive a supply that can be stored away for the future. It’ll also be useful if you get acne or nail fungus. Always remember that pregnancy skin tags may go away on their own after you’ve given birth, but it’s not guaranteed to happen.


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