Skin Tags on the Penis: Diagnosis, Causes, & Removal Methods

Almost everyone is likely to get at least one skin tag throughout their lifetime. That’s just how common benign skin growths are. They are nothing more than small flaps of flesh, attached to the skin. Beyond that, skin tags can show up just about anywhere, and they’re harmless. But, when you see skin tags on the penis, or on your genitals, it’s bound to make you wonder what to do about the problem.

The good news is that no matter where a skin tag is, its ‘properties’ remain the same. A skin tag on the penile shaft is no more harmful than it is under your arm. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, since it isn’t always appealing to have a growth developing on a private area of your body.

There are some important things to consider when it comes to genital skin tags. You need to make sure that the growth on the scrotum is a skin tag and learn how to remove it safely. They are not likely to fall off or shrink without some treatment.

What You Need to Know About Skin Tags on the Penis

How to remove Skin Tags on the Penis

No matter where you get a skin tag, you’ll want to know what caused it, and how to get rid of it. Keep in mind that when correctly identified, they aren’t at all dangerous. With that being said, treatment isn’t entirely necessary.

If the skin tag isn’t negatively affecting your body in any way, and you don’t mind its appearance, you don’t have to do anything about it.

However, most men are probably inclined to treat a skin tag for appearance reasons. It can also become irritated, inflamed, blood-filled, or infected if it continues to rub against clothing or you pull/pick at it, etc.

Skin tags have a variety of causes. The list of possible causes on the perineum is no different. They are most commonly caused by:

  • Friction: Skin-to-skin contact, or skin to clothing contact, can cause skin tags to appear. When you think about this private region of your body, it might make sense. It’s easy for the penis to rub against clothing, tight underwear, etc. without much space in between. Consistent friction can cause the skin tag to appear.
  • Genetics: There are plenty of theories that skin tags are hereditary, at least to a point. If skin tags are common in your family, getting a skin tag on the penis shouldn’t be all that alarming. Chances are, however, if they are hereditary, you’ve gotten them elsewhere before.
  • Hormones: Fluctuations in hormones can cause skin tags in different areas of the body. Steroid use has also been theorized to be linked. If you feel as though you’re experiencing a hormonal shift for any reason, be sure to check out the root of that issue, before removing a skin tag.

Could It Be a Different Skin Condition?

One of the primary concerns men who see a skin tag on their penis face is the uncertainty of it being something else. Again, skin tags are harmless. But other skin growths that may have a similar appearance can be more harmful to your health. So, it’s important to be sure the growth you notice is a skin tag, and not something else.

Some of the issues that can be mistaken for skin tags are STDs – specifically, genital warts, or herpes. Click on the link below for some additional information on the subject:

HPV Virus

Genital warts are linked to the HPV virus, but the virus itself can cause warts/bumps anywhere on the body. If you notice several bumps on the penile shaft, it’s a good idea to get checked out by your doctor. Sometimes, skin tags will appear in a concentrated area, or in a ‘cluster.’ But genital warts appear more as ‘bumps,’ instead of actual folds of skin.


Another STD that can cause bumps on the penis is herpes. Unlike skin tags, however, the bumps caused by herpes will eventually go away on their own. That doesn’t mean they won’t cause problems in the process as herpes can cause bumps that turn into painful blisters. You may wonder at first if the virus is several skin tags, but once the blisters burst, you can be sure it’s not skin tags.

Warts & Cysts

Warts on the penile shaft and cysts

Other skin conditions can cause bumps on the scrotum, such as regular warts, or even cysts. If you’re ever unsure about what a peculiar bump on the penis might be, it’s always a good idea to see a doctor as soon as possible. On rare occasions, these skin growths have been linked to things like cancer. The sooner you can get them looked at, the better.

Symptoms of Genital Skin Tags

While genital skin tags are not typically painful unless they are pulled or in some other way disturbed, they are still growths that are connected to your body via a short stalk, and they may even itch at times.

When they first begin to form, they may appear to be the same color of your skin tone or maybe only slightly darker. They will not generally bleed either unless you are in the process of trying to remove them.

If you have inadequate blood flow to the area where the skin tags are located, they can become thrombosed and can begin to change colors. If you have a thrombosed (clotted) skin tag, it may very well fall off on its own within three to ten days and you will not need any additional treatment.

However, if you noticed a drastic change in color or if the skin tag begins to bleed, you will want to make an appointment with your doctor immediately because, although rare, a thrombosed skin tag may also be a sign of a more serious medical condition that will need immediate treatment and biopsy.

How to Get Rid of Penile Skin Tags

Again, if the skin tags on the penis aren’t irritated or causing any problems, they don’t necessarily need to be removed. Even if they do become irritated, and ‘grow’ due to an increase in blood flow, it doesn’t turn them into a severe health issue.

Most men, however, aren’t crazy about the idea of having any growth in this area. So, options for skin tag removal on the genital area that are safe and effective are critically important.

Removal by a Doctor

You can either choose to do genital skin tag removal at home or have a doctor do it for you. Since the genital area is more sensitive, choosing invasive treatment options may not be the best way to go. Most medical options for getting rid of the skin tags quickly will involve some outpatient surgery.

You can find out more about the different medical options by clicking on the link(s) below:

Over-the-Counter Treatment for Skin Tags

[two_third_first]There are several types of products that will remove a skin tag, including wart removers. Skin tag removal products like the TagBand work by cutting off circulation and blood flow. This may be a bit tricky, depending on where the skin tag is on the penis. It requires you to put a small band around the skin tag, referred to medically as ligation. Other popular solutions and treatments will permanently freeze off a skin tag.

Home Treatment Options for Skin Tags

Because skin tags aren’t harmful, people choose to use home remedies. The following home treatment options are among the most popular for treating skin tags anywhere on the body:[/two_third_first]


TagBand Device

Buy on Amazon


Again, the use of natural products is usually safe. Unless you have an allergy to a home remedy ingredient, don’t be afraid to try one. If you do notice an adverse reaction, cease treatment immediately. Skin tags usually dry up and go away in about 3 to 6 weeks.

Be aware that the penile shaft and genital area has a lot of blood running through it. Because of that, it can be dangerous to try to ‘pick’ or cut off a skin tag on your own. You should never attempt removing skin tags on that part of the body.

The Outlook for Genital Skin Tags

While skin tags are usually no cause for concern, if you find that you have multiple skin tags in a very sensitive part of the body, such as your penis, and you are worried about the aesthetics or the possibility of them becoming infected, then you can use any of the home remedies mentioned to remove them.

Additionally, you can make an appointment online with your doctor to discuss your other removal options. 

Having skin tags on the genital area is no different than having them anywhere else. If you do have concerns, contact your doctor for further advice. It is also always a good idea to have any skin growths examined by your doctor to rule out any other medical conditions that may be more serious.

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