Do Skin Tags Go Away

Do Skin Tags Go Away on Their Own without Using a Skin Tag Product?

Do skin tags go away on their own? The answer is no, except sometimes after pregnancy. The only way for a skin tag to fall off is through some treatment, such as by applying Apothecary tea tree oil 3 times a day. It works safely and naturally over 3 to 6 weeks.

Skin tags are often compared to warts or other benign skin growths, but they are very different conditions. By definition, they are nothing more than small folds or flaps of skin. Warts can appear somewhat ‘flat’ in shape, or even slightly rounded, but they often don’t get very large. Skin tags are a part of your skin, once they have formed – not a symptom of cancer or another disease.

If you develop a skin tag and don’t do anything about it, it will stay right where it is. Most people choose to remove skin tags at home if they are visible or are an irritant. That’s one important thing to know about the growth of skin tags, and their presence: removing them is a personal preference and not a medical requirement.

Do Skin Tags Go Away on Their Own?

Many people get skin tags, but not many people know too much about them. Unfortunately, when we want to get rid of a skin tag, we aren’t always sure why they appear, or if they can be safely removed. The mistake most people make is thinking that skin tags will go away on their own. Sadly, this is nothing more than a myth.

What’s the Cause of Skin Tags?

Scientists and doctors alike haven’t given a definitive answer when it comes to the cause of skin tags. Some people will get dozens throughout their lives, while others will only experience one or two. However, a common inference is that they are caused by friction. Simply put, it’s the rubbing of skin against skin, or skin against clothes that can cause them. That’s why they are typically found in areas below. Click on the link for info:

Other factors relating to the cause of skin tags could simply be genetic. Some people are more prone to them than others. But, until there is a concrete answer as to what actually ‘makes’ skin tags appear, the idea of friction and skin rubbing against something is fairly consistent.

Are Skin Tags Harmful?

The one good thing about skin tags is that they are not harmful in any way. They are simply skin growths, and nothing more. The appearance of skin tags doesn’t suggest another underlying disorder or disease. On extremely rare occasions, if someone develops a large skin tag, a doctor may want to have it removed and tested. Any large growth on the body should be tested by a lab in this way. However, again, those cases are very rare.

Common skin tags are not harmful, and furthermore, they are not painful. That is why most people don’t even recognize that they have skin tags most of the time unless they are in a noticeable location.

Who Gets Skin Tags?

No one is ‘immune’ to them. Again, many people will probably experience at least one, if not more, in their lifetime. While there isn’t an ideal candidate for skin tags, it is often seen that people who are overweight or obese may be more prone. This is because of the friction of skin rubbing against each other more frequently.

People who wear tight-fitting clothing can also experience skin tags more than others for the same reason. Others, as stated above, are more genetically prone to getting them. But, even the healthiest, slimmest people can have them show up from time to time.

Are Skin Tags Preventable?

Skin tags are not preventable. Even if you have a skin tag and get rid of it, that’s not to say you won’t have another come up somewhere else. However, there are steps you can take to help avoid getting skin tags. This includes living a healthy lifestyle, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and taking care of your body. Try to manage your weight, and practice good hygiene in everything you do.

While these steps may not prevent skin tags 100%, they are a few simple things you can do every day to give yourself the best chance against them.

How to Get Rid of Skin Tags

Skin tags can be ‘removed’ in a variety of ways. For them to go away without some invasive treatment option, they need to be restricted from blood flow and oxygen. However, if you’re trying to remove a skin tag on your own, understand that it cannot be scraped away or picked off. This can be dangerous, and cause bleeding and scarring, or even possible infection depending on the method you use to scrape it off.

Instead of trying to get rid of the skin tag immediately, consider treatment options that have been scientifically or anecdotally proven to work again and again. Let’s take a closer look at several options. You can select your preferred method based on your comfort level, and how quickly you want the skin tag(s) removed.

Medical Options for Skin Tag Removal

Most people who see a dermatologist for skin tags usually have large skin tags, or clusters of them, not just one or two. There are several medical options available for getting rid of skin tags. Sometimes, doctors will prescribe an over-the-counter solution, such as a cream or ointment of some kind.

There are also three ‘surgical’ options for removing skin tags, though they are all considered to be outpatient surgeries. These include cauterization (burning the skin tag away through electrolysis), cryosurgery (freezing the skin tag off using liquid nitrogen), and excision (cutting out the skin tag(s) with a scalpel).

Any medical procedure will have a list of possible risks. But, these procedures are very safe. Talk with your doctor about your options, and what they might think is the best solution for you when it comes to safely and effectively remove your skin tags.

Do Skin Tags Go Away

Best Over-The-Counter Products

A quick online search and you’re likely to find plenty of creams, oils, and kits that take care of skin tags. Many popular wart removers even claim to take away skin tags, but be sure to look at reviews, and do your research as far as the ingredients in any over-the-counter products.

Other products, like the TagBand kit, for example, use ingenuity over medicine. The TagBand is designed to ‘cut off’ the blood flow at the stalk of the skin tag using a small band and tool. You leave the band in place around the skin tag, until it becomes darker in color, or shriveled. After several days, the tag should fall off on its own, or you should be able to brush it away easily.

Essential Oils & Home Remedies

Because many people get skin tags, it’s no surprise that many home solutions and remedies have also shown up over the years. The downside to these home remedies is that most of them are anecdotally-reviewed, instead of having a scientific backup for how well they work. The good news is that most of them are comprised of everyday household items. So, you can feel pretty safe about giving most home remedies a try, since the ingredients are usually as natural as can be.

One of the most popular home solutions is the use of tea tree oil, which works as an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. It will dry out the skin tag until it falls away.

Why Do People Get Skin Tags

There are plenty of additional home remedies, from lemon juice to baking soda and castor oil, and just about everything in between. Most of these treatment options do take several days, to several weeks to get rid of the skin tags, but if you’re looking to save some money, and aren’t in a hurry, trying them out could get you results. Try checking out the best home remedies for skin tags, and you just might be surprised as to what could work for you.

Skin Tags Won’t Fall Away on Their Own

Whether you have one skin tag or a cluster, they won’t just ‘go away’ at any time. For a skin tag to fall off, it needs to be cut off from blood and oxygen, which can only happen through some treatment option. Typically, dermatologists will take care of the skin tag by cutting off that blood flow at the stalk, or the base of the skin tag.

Can skin tags fall away once they’ve been treated? Absolutely. You likely won’t feel them falling off, or maybe you’ll brush them off gently without even realizing it. But, that can only happen after some treatment.

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